Colorado Mental Health Jurisprudence Practice Exam 2024 - Free Mental Health Jurisprudence Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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What must be stated in the mandatory disclosure about sexual intimacy in a professional relationship?

Sexual intimacy may be appropriate in certain circumstances

In the mandatory disclosure about sexual intimacy in a professional relationship, it is important to state that sexual intimacy may be appropriate in certain circumstances. This is because it is crucial for clients to understand the boundaries and limitations of the therapeutic relationship and to provide informed consent. It is also important to acknowledge that sexual intimacy is never appropriate and should always be reported to the board that licenses the therapist, as stated in option B. Option C is not appropriate as reporting to a colleague does not hold the same weight or authority as reporting to the board. Option D is incorrect because even though sexual intimacy may be a private matter for the therapist, it is still important to disclose it to the client in order to maintain ethical and professional boundaries.

Sexual intimacy is never appropriate and should be reported to the board that licenses the therapist

Sexual intimacy should be reported to a colleague

Sexual intimacy is a private matter


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